In the blogosphere of crafts I stumbled across a tutorial for half eaten gingerbread ornaments which I thought were super adorable. You can find it
here on Meg's blog Elsie Marley. So I more or else followed the directions. To make these I used her pattern but enlarged it a bit, felt, red buttons (although I think it might be fun with green ones too), baby rickrack (I used both red and white), polyfill, and thread.
I actually ended up using crochet thread for the eyes and to attach the buttons because I had it on hand for another project. And I can finally say that I have mastered french knots! It took my Martha Stewart craft book, two online tutorials and a video on youtube to get me through it, but I can now do them consistently. I also got to brush up on my backstitch and to try out fray check.
I'm pretty pleased by how they turned out but it definitely challenged my sewing machine skills to the point that I almost gave up and just sewed them up by hand...
I decided to make a few more a few days later so I could give them as gifts...The Bubb really is intrigued by them. I am thinking of making a much larger version for him to play with, but haven't had the time yet.