I have been trying to save, when I remember, empty papertowel/toilet paper rolls in order to make a ball slide for Emmett with the hopes of him better learning his colors in the process.
So I came up with this: cardboard tube slide using pom poms that empty into an oatmeal container. At first I was going to use those rubber bouncy balls but after more thought they seemed problematic - i.e. they bounce. But I had some pom poms on hand and decided that they would do the trick much better.
Here are the supplies I used (only thing not pictured is painter's tape and the large poms got stuck a lot, so stick with medium/small):
I set it up and The Bubb was super interested in what I was doing. (as a side note, Evan thinks that if Emmett and I get along in our weirdo personalities - which it looks like is going to happen - he is sorta afraid (read very amused) at what he is going to find us doing when he comes home from work.) The Bubb and I tested it out and he loved it!
We tried a couple of different positions and because he loved to see them fall, I would ask him to find an orange one, a blue one, a red one, etc. to put down the chute and he would have to properly identify in order to have 'more fun'.
This lasted for a bit but then his attention spam stopped and he started hoarding all of them in order to stuff them down. Silly boy.
So I gave up and just let him play. After a while he became more interested in pouring the pom poms from one bucket (his
Easter basket) into the oatmeal can. And back and forth. And let me tell you, that if some spilled out, it was not okay! Which actually turned out great as I want him to be able to pour things properly!
We have also upgraded our
activity to be pipecleaners and an empty oatmeal can with holes in the
top. He loves this new development because the pipecleaners don't quite
fit in the can, so when he opens it up they spring out at him and he
thinks it is the best thing ever!