In order to push through some well, lets just say negative and just annoying, experiences the past few weeks I decided that I needed to have a clean slate to inspire new creativity and some positive energy. To accomplish this I brought out Leon for his usual daily cleaning but was way more thorough than normal. The Bubb loves him, he likes to turn it on for me and then follow us around as all his lovely piles of string and dust get cleared away. Silly boy.

Then I cleaned off my work space, sorted and put my fabrics away, replaced my sewing machine needle, cleaned it out, and just got reorganized so that I can clear my mind for new projects that I have planned and to well, just have a fresh start. I also sorted my pins.

Here's to a new beginning and the projects that a clean slate can inspire :) Happy Tuesday everyone, and I hope you are all having a good week so far!
Hey! I've been thinking about you this week. A good round of cleaning always makes me feel better. and happy for some reason too. :)