
Toddler Beach Birthday Party

The Bubb loves the beach so we decided what better place to have his second birthday than at the beach!

As much as I love evite, I really like making the invitations for his parties. I didn't want to it to seem too kiddo beach (surfboards and the like) so I went with something simple and came up with this:

and then put the details and directions on the backside. Found some envelopes and was ready to go!

We decided to have the party over lunch time, as he normally naps from 1-3, so we did it from 10-2 so that he would stay up a bit longer and then sleep on the way home (as well as the other kiddos). We made cardboard box lunches, some for big people and some for little people, and then just put the basics inside: sandwiches, fruit, chips and had drinks on the side. Pretty simple but perfect for the beach.

For his "cake" we did vanilla cupcakes. I went and got a special piping tip and pastry bag to do them all fancy with yellow and blue frosting, but as luck would have it, it was super sunny at the beach (forecast was for cloudy in the mid 60s) so the frosting melted by the time that we sang Happy Birthday but there were a few that sorta made it :) Oh well, these things happen! (below is the 'before' picture)

The Bubb was actually pretty timid about the cupcake (although he helped me chow down on the samples the day before) But his friend Jeremy had no problem just digging in!

The kids had a blast: sand + water = fun, fun, fun.

There were some good sticks

sand crabs


and frisbee playing

What more can you ask for?  The Bubb had a wonderful time and we are so thankful that our family and friends were able to make it out for it! Happy Birthday Emmett!


  1. love this! :) going to borrow a few ideas for my son's 2nd this june, love the casualness of it, where did you get / print the lunch boxes?

    1. Thanks and awesome! I ordered the boxes from papermart.com I designed the labels myself and printed them on stickers, cut them out and then put them on the boxes. Hope that helps!


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