In case you were wondering why I've been making a baby sleeping bag, outside play mat, etc. lately its because we went camping! Yes we decided to take our then 8 month old baby boy out into the wilderness. (and for whatever reason typing the word wilderness brings back memories of the big thunder mountain railroad at Disneyland). Anyway. We first went to Zion National Park and spent a few days there and then went to the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. Even though we set up camp at the Grand Canyon we didn't spend the night as it was crazy windy and well the baby didn't like the wind shaking the tent :( But we finished our trip on a good note by visiting family in Oceanside where we got to see our new niece. She's so cute, I can't believe that The Bubb was ever that small. We actually didn't take that many photos, too busy with everything else I guess, but here are a few.
First stop was Casa De Fruta to feed The Bubb some breakfast and since they had just opened up, I finally was able to weigh him on a produce scale :)

Hoover Dam was a good side stop

Zion National Park

Waiting for the shuttle

Getting a bath

We had a pretty good time overall

And now The Bubb has been to 6 states!

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