I try not to share all my custom etsy creations with you but rather things that I make for my family and friends but I just finished this lovely toddler blanket for a customer and I can't help but love it and had to share (or do you guys enjoy seeing the custom items that I make, as that is what I mostly have only had time to sew lately...)
She picked Ta Do in Berry fabric by Michael Miller backed with white minky. It is so bright and cheery. Just lovely.

The finished size measured 40x60 inches and I quilted it every 6 inches to keep the layers from separating it in the wash.

On The Bubb front, he is now 20 months, 20 months!! can you believe it?

He is one very silly boy. He loves to give hugs, hum Wheels on the Bus, spin in circles and play in the water. I think he's weighing about 30 pounds now and is pretty tall compared to other kiddos his age, not sure how tall he is, he won't hold still for me to measure but he is tall enough to reach everything that he isn't supposed to. He loves to pretend that he is on the phone, particularly with our floss dispenser and ipod nano. I don't talk on the phone that much, but he has the conversations down. "Hi!...baby babbling...buh buh...uh huh...buh buh" I have a video on my phone and am (as always) having issues getting it onto blogger. What else. He is very curious as to how everything works and is very orderly and particular. He still loves to read, play with his trucks and do puzzles. Lately he is getting pretty good at building with Duplos which I am excited about.
Unless Evan is around it is pretty impossible to take any photos of him. He loves the camera and seeing his face but won't hold still to actually let me take a picture. And unfortunately he isn't old enough to understanding bribing. But we'll get there. So this is him playing with the tape measure while I wash the dishes. And yes he played there for 25 minutes, pulling it in and out and figuring out what the black button does on it. We love him so much and this age is just the best!
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